I've reviewed a few beers already from Matt Brewing Company; I reported on the brewery in this review here. This is another one of their seasonals; no big deal I got connections. Their website says it goes good with pizza and spicy foods, but, you know what Kojack? What DOESN'T go good with pizza and spicy foods? I mean to me, there's one thing I wanna know when dealing with food and beer. Should I drink this beer before I eat, during eating, or after I eat. Like, I'm not as fancy as some drunken hillbillies, so as far as complimenting my palate...I don't give a hoot! So, for people as fancy as me, you can drink this beer before, during, or after you eat. Sorta like a triple lindy; which will be a phrase I'll use to describe beers that you can drink anytime.
So they use 2-Row pale, Victory, and chocolate malts and Cascade and Columbus hops. True story: they don't actually sell Cascade dishwashing detergent IN Columbus, Ohio. Well, they might not. The only way I'd go near that city is to burn down Ohio Stadium and all the dirtbags in it. The general taste of the beer is a bit different than the classic Saranac style, which is high drinkability and no lasting, flavor. Now, I will give this one credit, it lasts much longer than most of their beers, and for a brown ale it is actually probably above average in that category, and I'll be damned it it doesn't go well with these Johnsonville Stadium Brats. I mean I should write to their website and express my love for this combination. It's really a good pair. (That's what she said)
So, yes, this flavor last a bit longer than their regular stuff. A nice, chocolatey taste. The aroma is sweet, and when I say "sweet" I mean "awesome"...and sweet. And you know what else is sweet? It's 6.0% ABV. I picked up this 12-pack variety pack for $14 and if I found a 12-pack of just this stuff, I'd surely drop it in my cart; along with a pack of Johnsonville Stadium Brats!
Plus its got some bullshit house on the water on their label. Yeah, I wanna live it it. They should market this beer as a woodsman's beer; like the guys who use and don't use Barbasol. That'd shove their credibility to the Ozarks...all the way from, oh yeah, New York.
Drinkability: 6/10
Taste: 7/10
Value: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
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