This pilsner, with the obvious exception of ripping off the look of Pilsner Urquell, is a pretty good beer. Very mild smell, and a great, refreshing taste. I sorta dig this brewery line for one simple reason; their light beer is 4.3% ABV, which is stronger than most brewery's regular beers. However, I'm covering their original which has an ABV of 5.0%; not too shabby. I paid $3.00 for 500mL at the party store, so it isn't a huge rip off, and for the taste it's definitely worth a try.
Unfortunately, in 1995 Heineken, the abusive babysitter of Europe, bought out the brewery and choked the pheasant of it's own free will. The website says it was a "blessing" but I think Harold Heineken designed the website and writes the checks. Sidenote: If they ever have throwback cans, I'm TOTALLY in!
Drinkability: 7/10
Taste: 6/10
Value: 5/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Overall: 6.0/10
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