That's what I think of when sipping on this beer. Applicable? Not in the slightest! This is another beer from Tröegs Brewery in Harrisburg, PA. You might remember Tröegs from my initial review here where I covered their brewery. This is obviously a pilsner that hits the ABV charts at 5.3% and an IBU of 45. I never thought pilsners had IBUs that high, but apparently that's pretty standard.
It has a pale smell; a little bitter with a hint of wheat. The taste is a little more bitter than I'd expect. It has a dry, bitter aftertaste that isn't exactly flattering. They use the traditional Crystal and Pilsner malts and use Saaz and Hallertau hops. It also has Mitt hops which I can only assume taste like Mitt Romney's Socks; which is where it's gets its silly aftertaste from.
I typically like Pilsners, as they are cool and refreshing, but this one tastes a little heavy on the mouth, though not heavy on your stomach. Usually Tröegs impress me with their beers, and though this one is not horrible, it's easily the worst in the 12-bottle variety pack, which I bought for $16.00. I'll say this about it, if you have a few of their other beers BEFORE having this, you might not notice anything bad about it. But if you just got off working at the Steel Mill all day, and you come home and your damn wife is bothering you to mow the lawn meanwhile her annoying lapdog is yipping at your feet, and she's got the damn television volume on maximum trying to hear Montell from all the way in the kitchen while she's tossing a Stouffer's lasagna in the oven, this beer is not going to help. I think they are just trying too hard on the Pilsner. Lower the hops and call it a day, in my opinion.
Drinkability: 4/10
Taste: 4/10
Value: 5/10
Curb Appeal: 5/10
Curb Appeal: 5/10
Overall: 4.5/10
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