Every so often there's a brewery that almost wants to make it hard to type their name, and Tröegs is certainly one of those. Now I'm ALL about the extended Latin alphabet as everyone who's ANYONE knows, but let's face it you turkeys; you brew beer in Pennsylvania, not Germany, Sweden, Iceland, or any other countries that use umlauts on their "O's". Just to bring this all full circle, for all the aspiring language majors out there, this particular umlauts is the trema whose primary objective is to piss me off. Put that in your thesis!
That aside, Tröegs have been gracing the world with their hooch since 1997. Apparently these two brothers, Chris and John Trogner (real original) were raised in Mechanicsburg, PA; which is around Harrisburg, the capital of the commonweath of Pennsylvania. They were separated, one living in Philly and the other in Boulder, but would talk often about brewing schemes, as they both got into this around the same time by chance. They decided to start a brewery after taking some management classes in Colorado and brewing class in the Keifer Sunderland School of Booze, or some shit, in England. Next thing you know, BAM, they started up a brewery in Harrisburg under the name Tröegs; which is like if the words Trogner and kroeg (Belgian-Dutch for pub) got drunk and made some mistakes under the high school bleachers.
These rascals have about 9 regular beers in rotation but are always concocting shit Willy Wonka style. You can try out some tastings of their small batch miracles at their brewery, tours start at 2:00 every Saturday and you can even talk to Slugworth about it afterward without John and Chris getting all pissed at you. They also maintain a blog that discourages people like myself from starting a brewery because it really seems like way more work than I'm capable of...though I am really lazy but their operation is impressive. They also do a shitload of beer tastings over the Mid-Atlantic, like Boston to DC, that area.
Their Dreamweaver Wheat is clearly named to the booze they drank when making their website, or so I tend to tell myself. Its got some Vienna and Pils malts and 35% Wheat, which I'm guessing, its a wheat malt...? Judges? The also use Saaz hops and German Wheat yeast. The Saaz hops give it a spicy flavor, as it will typically do. There is definitely a wheaty taste to this and a low bitterness, hitting 15 IBU's. There is a very dry finish to this beer, though not unappealing. It has a slight citrus taste and a strong citrus scent complimented by the robust smell of wheat. It doesn't suggest putting fruit in it but I will just for posterity:
So it has a very strong lemon scent now and a slight lemon taste. In conclusion, if you put lemons in it, it smells like lemons AND, wait for it, tastes like lemons. It;s not overbearing and I'd suggest it to anyone drinking this. It can stand alone but if you want to tone down the strong wheat taste, of any wheat beer that is, you can gamble a lemon slice.Overall a great beer, bolder taste than the Abita so if wheat is up your alley, this is a great beer for you and a lemon in the bastard will appeal to women and children also. It only has 4.8% ABV which is a blow, though wheat beers tend to be on the lower side. I got this sucker in a variety pack of Tröegs for $16.00 for 12, so this is a better deal than going roshambo with someone or some Russian Roulette. I am slightly miffed by their label and merchandise; there seems to be a lot of hippy shit going down in Harrisburg. Your street cred will go up with this lesser known tasty brew but you might find yourself playing footbag in a drum circle! So watch out.
Drinkability: 8/10
Taste: 8/10
Value: 5/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Overall: 6.8/10
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