It's Goose Island Brewery y'all. If you don't remember it, you probably got rocks for brains, but hey, no ones perfect. If you need a little refresher, check out this and you'll be all caught up to speed.
So here's a little Chicago history, did I mention this is made in Chicago? It is. So Goose Island, the actually island, was sort of a big deal; not that it isn't now. But it's an island in Chicago. The north end of the island reaches, North Avenue. The south end end intersects Chicago Avenue; makes sense. So what the heck divides the island in half? Yeah! YEAH! Division Street. It's not rocket science you dummy, it's all right here.
This is a real mild wheat beer, not a strong wheaty smell or taste. You can literally slam one million of these and run the Boston marathon; do they have one of those here? I put in one of those lemon slices the kids are talking about and it really adds some zing to this, almost too much; it's that mild. It's cloudy like any wheat beer. The use Cascade hops with a little Liberty in there. The IBUs are 20, which makes it as bitter as a kid in a candy store. The ABV isn't great, 4.2%; so you're better off going to the grocery store and mixing NyQuil and bitters in a red Solo cup and drink it in a dugout in a park in your hometown and maybe feel up a girl that you sort of had the hots for. Summer lovin'; happens to fast. Sidenote: NyQuil and bitters will get you LAID. Try it and report back.
So this stuff is a great day drinking beer so two reasons. It's light and not that full of booze; so you can slug these at 11:00AM in the morning while watching TeenWolf Too and still make the Rocky marathon that starts at 6:00PM.
312 is the area code of Chicago's south loop; so maybe you learned two things today; congratulations. And it's an Urban beer which means Jay-Z probably drinks it and it'll make you gangster as shit! I feel like a straight up thug! Makes me wanna loiter at a 7-Eleven parking lot and maybe play the music in the 1991 Toyota Celica real loud in a McDonald's parking lot. So cool.
This stuff runs about $14.00 for a 12 pack, so it's pretty economical; though you can get a case of PBR for the same price which isn't a bad deal either.
I'd certainly get this again, though, since variety is the spice of life, I might lean towards a variety pack because, although you can drink this all day and all night, I'm not sure if I want to. Easy to drink and fairly classy, sure. Best wheat I've had, not a chance. It might be your mom's favorite beer though.
Drinkability: 8/10
Taste: 6/10
Value: 4/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 6/10
Overall: 6.0/10
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