Thursday, April 26, 2012
Yards Brewing Company - IPA
If you want some more info on Yards, check out fellow ILTS contributor Brendon's review of their Bawler Ale here.
Philly has a lot going for them alcohol wise, and that's about the only thing going for that city. Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles fans are almost yearly voted as the worst fans in sports, but maybe that because they are always drunk on delicious beers. There are a bunch of good small brewpubs and mediums sized ones too, like Yards and Victory to name a few. A great microbew city if you ever want to dapple. I'll be out there to catch the last 4 days of Philly beer week in June this summer, maybe a ILTS first beer festival review on the way.
Ok, that said, Yards IPA. As spring has arrived and summer approaches my palate seems to drift toward more crisp and bitter beers. Hell, if you don't think they are refreshing on a dewy summer morning, I don't know why you are on this site. This one doesn't break the mold, its crisp and clean, with strong floral notes. The color is amber with a 4 finger head, that spiders down the glass. ILTS Chicago will tell you only superb beers will enter the Boba Fett glass, and thats the way I feel about the Mermaid Seductress Goddess Glass seen above (Will be seen as "The Goddess" from here on out, in future post). When you see that pic, hop on down to your local bottle shop and you wont be disappointed.
Oh by the way, this guy has an ABV of 7%, so drink and few and turn into a raging sports fan in just hours.
Drinkability: 8/10
Taste: 8/10
Value: 6/10
Curb Appeal: 7/10
Overall: 7.25/10
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
New Belgium Brewery Company's Shift Pale Lager
This is actually pretty tasty! However, in the heart of all decent beer reviews, I will prattle on for about 1000 words then tell you what I feel in a quantitative way.
So New Belgian was covered in this review. So if you wanna know about em, read up there you dingbat! But I always liked these guys. They make solid beers; that's why I poured it in my Boba Fett glass (the highest honor any liquid can receive). I hope someday to be turned into liquid, in the chance I may find myself in said glass. Oh what a merry Christmas morning that would be!
So I got a stuffy nose here, but lemme see what I can muster. Yeah man, smells like beer. A little citrus hint in there. It looks abnormally light, like one of your dad's lame beers. It's like, "Dad, I'll give you $10 to button it. That can buy you 12 Budweisers. Don't gimme flak for bogin' one!" Or something. She can get a nice head on her, like Harriet Tubman. White, Flowing. I just picture Betty White.
So here's the skinny on the taste. I been around the block so to speak. Literally and figuratively. So I expect some eastern European chickenshit horseshit bullshit! No offense. But man, I honestly think NB is doing it wrong. This sucker is a light tasting Pale Ale. I mean I love pale ales. They're the I uh, yeah, it's really light though. I mean you can slug ten of these pounders, slug some babe's boyfriend and run from him with time to spare. That Bolt guy from Jamaica or where ever used to drink thirty of these before races. Rumor has it, he'd knock out his coach before races. So amped up on this stuff. You know how racers are.
So yeah, man, this stuff is far out! I like the label. Being an engineer I'm attracted to gears and stuff...and booze. So this was like a triple threat based on New Belgium's sterling reputation. The Gordon Bombay of beers. Now, if Stenson would just stop and quit being a hardass, Emilio could of went to the pros.
It's got an ABV of 5.0% which is high considering how light it is. The IBUs are 29. Which is surprising low. I don't know why you people read these things; clearly I dunno what I'm talking about ever. But I did taste the Cascade hops (along with Target, Nelson and Liberty). Nice, tasty beer. It's truly a treat. I'd definitely get this again, I got this 4-pack of pounders ten bucks. I'm not cryin' about it, ya turkey! On the New Belgium website they pair it with a food that I can't even tell what it is. Which makes me feel cultured. And I'm too drunk to learn about it now!
Other New Belgium Reviews:
Ranger IPA
Fat Tire
Winter Ale
Belgian Ale
Drinkability: 9/10
Taste: 9/10
Value: 4/10
Curb Appeal: 9/10
Overall: 7.75/10
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Grupo Modelo's Especial Lager

Curb Appeal: 6/10
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Yuengling Brewery's Bock Beer

Curb Appeal: 6/10
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Duvel – Belgian Golden Ale
If there are three things I know about Duvel, they are
1. Duvel is a Belgian beer
2. Duvel is expensive
3. I still owe me brother $20 for picking me up a 4 pack with the glass
Duvel was started back in 1871, at this time there were over 3000 breweries in Belgium. Think of that number in 1871!!! Today in the US there are just over 1700 breweries, and that goes all the way from the big guys to the local brewpubs. So I guess that’s why Belgians are widely considered superior beer makers to the rest of the world, they’ve just been doing it, and doing it right for so long.
Over the years Duvel has changed the recipe and used trial and error to produce what they feel is the best product they could come up with. Fast forward to the 90’s and we have what they sell today, a bottle conditioned light ale, that uses a strain yeast dating back to 1918, currently in over 60 countries worldwide.
So this one is pricey if you get it at a bar, but I got it for $5 and a free Duvel glass, so not too shabby. Pours to a nice golden color and a lot of white soapy head that spiders nicely through the whole glass. The aroma is sweet and crisp, so much carbonation that it goes up the nostrils like drinking 7up. The taste is complex, dry malt, crisp hops and a velvety texture. I for one can’t stand touching velvet, chills me to the bone, and its drinking texture it might be even worse. But this was so subtle that I could bare it. At 8.5% ABV, any beer is worth a try and its overall a good to great beer.
Drinkability: 7/10
Taste: 8/10
Value: 5/10
Curb Appeal: 7/10
Overall: 6.75/10
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Smuttynose Brewing Company – Old Brown Dog Ale
If you drink with me you know I love dark beers. If you care about me you know brown ales are my main squeeze. So if you didn’t know that, now you do, or we are no longer friends. I probably don’t like you that much anyways.
I had this brew in a case of varieties, and ran about $35 a case, so simple math will tell you that’s about $1.49 a bottle, and a steal for a high quality product that is Smuttynose. Smuttynose was started in 1994 by the same guys who started the Northampton and Portsmouth Breweries. The beers can be found up and down the east coast, as far left in the US as Wisconsin. I recommend to try all of their products, all get high ranks from me, and have a nice smooth complex flavor at a good price.
Old Brown Dog Ale was awarded best brown ale in the northeast at the 8th annual US beer tasting championship, so some connoisseurs agree is good stuff. They call this an American Style brown ale, which has a fuller body and more strongly hopped than that of an English brown.
The beer is smoooooth! And that the first effect you get when it hits the lips. A lot of malt, nice hop presence, but not overpowering. It’s thick, but flat and goes down faster than yoohoo. I recommend skipping the variety and grabbing a whole case of these guys if you’re a brown ale fan. Absolutely one of the best out there.
Nerd facts:
OG: 1060, TG: 1016
Grain Bill: Pale Brewers, Munich, Crystal 60°L, Chocolate
Hops: Cascade, Willamette
IBU's: 15
Color/Number: Deep brown-amber, 25
ABV 6.5%
Drinkability: 9/10
Taste: 8/10
Value: 8/10
Curb Appeal: 8/10
Overall: 8.25/10
Monday, April 9, 2012
New Glarus Brewing Company's Spotted Cow Ale