This lager so looks like urine after you run like 10 miles but tastes and smells way better! A very mild smell and a bold taste that doesn't linger in your mouth for too long. It hits the stomach pretty well. Between you and me I wouldn't might slamming a bunch of these babies tailgating, it tastes that light. Like I could eat a million sausages and run around a parking lot totally hammered, accidentally bumping into cars, purposely bumping into cars, high-low a few people and run from the cops. It's 5.0% ABV (5.2% in the 'Kraine) and I paid like, $1.69 for 500mL which is just about the coolest thing I ever heard. I didn't even realize it was so cheap. Maybe that's why the Original S.L.O.B. is going broke, he can possible be making money on this!
Drinkability: 7/10
Taste: 6/10
Value: 7/10
Curb Appeal: 4/10
Curb Appeal: 4/10
Overall: 6.0/10
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