Wednesday, September 14, 2011

21st Amendment Brewery – Brew Free! Or Die IPA

21st has really impressed me with their brews so far. Click here for some info on them from past reviews.

Brew Free! Or Die IPA is 21st top seller and for good fact. It’s a complex IPA using 6 different types of hops, but has a nice balance with more malt than a typical IPA. Gives you that bitter burn to the tongue, and then calms it down with the finish. Definitely an IPA you can throw back all night, or morning since its college football season.

Once again the can appeal got me. An artist rendition of Mount Rushmore where Lincoln (not shown) looks like Donovan in Indiana Jones when he drinks from the wrong cup of Christ and starts to wither away. Damn Nazi’s!

So all in all, this is a nice IPA, bout 3 bucks a can so it’s an average deal. Great for a tailgate because it’s in a can and with 7% ABV will get you where you wanna be faster than others.

Alcohol Content: 7% ABV

IBUS: 70

Malts: Two-Row Pale, Imported Munich

Bittering Hops: Warrior

Finishing Hops: Columbus, Cascade

Dry Hops: Amarillo, Ahtanum, Simcoe

Drinkability: 7/10

Taste: 7/10

Value: 7/10

Curb Appeal: 8/10

Overall: 7.25/10

1 comment:

  1. They just started selling this in Chapel Hill and thank gosh cuz this beer is flippin awesome!
